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We Help You Make Smart Financial Decisions

Retirement and tax planning focused on helping you retire early.

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We Handle the Hard Work For You.

Life gets busy enough without having to worry about your finances. Here we take care of the heavy lifting so you can spend more time doing what you enjoy and living life. 

We take the workload and stress off of you by providing financial advice, investment management, and retirement planning services on a personal, one-on-one basis.

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Real Advice. Real Solutions.

You work hard, save diligently, and are focused on preparing for retirement.

 But you have a few questions:

Am I On Track?

Do you wonder if you're doing everything right financially? Sometimes it's difficult to know if you are taking the appropriate steps. Retirement, investments, 401k rules, etc... It's easy to feel lost and then put it off till later.

Will I Have Enough?

Not sure if you are saving enough or have put enough away to comfortably retire? You are definitely not alone. A retirement savings and income plan is essential for building wealth and preserving your assets.

What About Taxes?

Are you paying too much? Do you have a strategy to minimize your tax burden, both now and in retirement? The tax code can feel really complex, and most people feel frustrated trying to navigate through it.

How We Help

Who We Serve


Plan for you and your children's future without sacrificing your own goals. 


The last ten years before retirement are critical. Smart planning gets you there.  

Business Owners

You've worked hard to build it. We can help you enjoy it with confidence. 

Success Stories

How We Work

Step 1: Talk with us

You are welcome to have an introductory visit with us at no charge. This is a short, get-to-know-you meeting where we can learn about each other and see if we will be a good fit working together. This can be in person, by Zoom, or just by phone.

We rarely do business on a first meeting - our goal here is simply to learn about you, what your needs are, and make sure that we are the right people to help you. If we're not, then we'll be happy to refer you to someone who's a better fit.

Step 2: Get a plan

Once we decide to proceed forward, we will design a detailed financial plan that contains specific, actionable recommendations to address any needs or issues you told us about earlier.

We will build the plan together to ensure accuracy and that everything you need was addressed, as well as make any adjustments as necessary.

After we've finished your plan we then get started on helping you complete any action items and guide you through the steps going forward. 

Step 3: Cheers! 

Your part's done, now it's time to relax! With your initial plan in place, it's now our job to take the wheel and guide you from here on out. We will follow up regularly to make sure your steps get completed and begin to monitor future progress.

And the service doesn't stop there either, it's just beginning. When you become a client we make a commitment to be there for you. 

Times change, but we will be here to monitor and adjust your plan on a regular basis to make sure it stays relevant.

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Justin Buttrick, MS, CFP® Photo

Justin Buttrick, MS, CFP®

President & Wealth Manager

As President & Founder, Justin has over 12 years of experience as a financial planner. If you ask Justin what he does for a living, he will tell you “I help people make smart financial decisions”, and this quote reflects his philosophy in his approach to financial planning. Whether it’s preparing for retirement, buying a house, selling a business, or just getting organized, he will develop an intelligent plan based on your specific needs and guide you every step of the way.

After many successful years at a national brokerage firm, he founded Vision Wealth Advisors in 2011 to offer his clients a higher standard of objective advice and personal attention. Reflected in the company name is his vision of helping people align their values with their finances and providing a more tailored, personalized experience for his clients.

Justin is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and holds a B.A. in Economics from Temple University, and earned an M.S. in Financial Planning from one of the top CFP® Board Registered Programs in the country at Golden Gate University in San Francisco. In addition, Justin holds the Accredited Asset Management Specialist℠ (AAMS®) designation from the College for Financial Planning. He is also a proud veteran of the United States Coast Guard, having served aboard the USCGC MOHAWK in Key West, Florida from 2001-2005.

Justin has been a resident of Lewisburg for the last 9 years. If you wake up early you can catch him working out at the local gym, he likes to start his day with exercise and also enjoys basketball and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. His latest hobby is cheering on the UMass Men's Basketball team where his brother Trent plays as a senior. He is an avid reader and is always looking for sources to improve his financial knowledge. A few of Justin's favorite finance books are: The Big Short, A Random Walk Down Wall Street, Financial Peace, and Fooled by Randomness.

Why Work with a CFP®?

Most people think all financial advisors are “certified,” but this isn’t true. Just about anyone can use the title “financial planner.” Only those who have fulfilled the CFP® Board’s rigorous requirements can call themselves a CFP® professional.

For more than 30 years, the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ certification has been the standard of excellence for the financial planning profession. CFP® professionals have met extensive training and experience requirements, and commit to the CFP® Board's strict ethical standards that require them to put their clients' interests first. As part of the certification, CFP® professionals also make a commitment to the CFP® Board to act as a fiduciary when providing financial advice. 

Ongoing Certification Requirements

Once certified, CFP® practitioners are required to maintain technical competence and fulfill ethical obligations. Every two years, they must complete a minimum 30 hours of continuing education to stay current with developments in the financial planning profession.

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